Workgroup "Back to the Bible"

Pastor Rien van de Kraats
Populierenstraat 51, 8266 BK Kampen, The Netherlands

List of subjects in letters send off to diverse churches and persons in the Netherlands and Belgium during the period from 07-03-95 up till now


Word document (DOC) or Adobe Acrobat file (PDF)




Nr. 01  07-03-95    DOC  PDF

Introduction and intentions.

Nr. 02  05-05-95    DOC  PDF

The Bible; Toronto-Blessing and manifestations; former revivals.

Nr. 03  11-09-95    DOC  PDF

Toronto-Blessing; Christians in trance, pastors as shamans, barkeeper of the Holy Spirit; genealogy of the movement; Leigh Valentine; Rodney Howard-Browne; Benny Hinn; Kenneth Copeland; Kathryn Kuhlman; Larry Lea; Ashley McGuicken.

Nr. 04  30-11-95    DOC  PDF

Toronto-Blessing, conference against.

Nr. 05  20-03-96    DOC  PDF

False prophets: Ashley McGuicken, Rodney Howard-Browne, Carol Arnott, Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo, Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, John Wimber, Kenneth Copeland, William Branham.

Nr. 06  18-06-96    DOC  PDF

False prophets continued; Dutch "prophet" Geene; Jorge Tadeu; Richard Roberts; John Avazini; Rick Joyner; John Wimber; Kenneth Copeland; Jaap Dieleman.

Nr. 07  25-11-96    DOC  PDF

False prophets continued; Toronto-Blessing; "Do not touch my anointed".

Nr. 08  28-02-97    DOC  PDF

Assaults on the Cross by E.W. Kenyon, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Paul E. Billheimer, Benny Hinn; demonology and counseling Ken Thornberg.

Nr. 09  05-06-97    DOC  PDF

Assaults on the Cross continued; Kenneth Copeland; Kenneth Hagin; Paul E. Billheimer, Benny Hinn, E.W. Kenyon; demonology and counseling Ken Thornberg.

Nr. 10  06-09-97    DOC  PDF

Announcement illness pastor Rien van de Kraats.

Nr. 11  29-11-97    DOC  PDF

Christians and healing; book "Exporting the American Gospel"; "Pensacola-outpouring"; E.W. Kenyon; Kenneth Hagin; Paul E. Billheimer; Benny Hinn; John Wimber; John Arnott.

Nr. 12  28-03-98    DOC  PDF

Christians and the Roman-Catholic teachings, salvation, tradition and the Bible, baptism, Eucharist; Promise Keepers.

Nr. 13  02-07-98    DOC  PDF

Christians and the Roman-Catholic teachings, Mary, participation protestants in Eucharist; John Wimber.

Nr. 14  31-10-98    DOC  PDF

Christians and the Roman-Catholic teachings: assurance, purgatory, praying to deceased saints, beautification; Benny Hinn in Amsterdam; seminar Leanne Payne promoting Agnes Sanford; Dutch "prophet" Geene.

Nr. 15  25-02-99    DOC  PDF

Christians and the Roman-Catholic teachings: the cross, the Church, the pope, ecumenical movement; Dutch "prophet" Geene.

Nr. 16  15-06-99    DOC  PDF

Praying with Roman Catholics; teaching dr. Robert Schuller; Toronto golden blessing.

Nr. 17  15-10-99    DOC  PDF

Possessed by demons and casting out of demons; talking to demons; Hans Koning, Peter Wagner, Derek Prince, John Avazini; golden fillings.

Nr. 18  15-02-00    DOC  PDF

Can Christians be possessed by demons?, again Dutch "prophet" Geene; Ray McGraw, Derek Prince, Hans Koning, Roberts Liardon, Ken Thornberg, Jim Brewer, Frank Hammond, Joost Verduyn, Neil T. Anderson; dr. Robert Schuller.

Nr. 19  26-06-00    DOC  PDF

Ancestral demons in Christians?, curses of Christians?, Ray McGraw, Derek Prince, Joost Verduyn, Charles Hunter, Neil T. Anderson, Rebecca Brown, Willem Tetelepta, John Hofman; Mary Kathryn Baxter; message dr. Robert Schuller versus the Bible.

Nr. 20  13-11-00    DOC  PDF

"God at war" prof. Gregory Boyd; fights with demons above certain towns, districts and countries; spiritual mapping, teachings Peter Wagner, Derek Prince, Neil T. Anderson, Rebecca Brown, Ray McGraw; contact with the Roman Catholic church.

Nr. 21  01-03-01    DOC  PDF

Confession of collective sins from ancestors by means of marches, journeys and meetings bij ir. Pieter Bos (Serving the Nations), rev. Cees Sybrandi and Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs.

Nr. 22  30-06-01    DOC  PDF

Questions from readers; prayer walks; Graham Kendrik; using flags in meetings, Jackie and John Howard, Immanuel Livestro.

Nr. 23  19-11-01    DOC  PDF

False and true revivals in Africa; Pentecostal and Rome; false prophecy of Geene (Dutch prophet); prophet Joshua Nigeria; John Arnott, John Kilpatrick, Benny Hinn, Claudio Freidzon, Peter Wagner, Sandy Miller, Rodney Howard-Browne, Reinhard Bonnke.

Nr. 24  08-04-02    DOC  PDF

Videos Transformations 1 and 2; American Moral Government Theology; prophet Joshua Nigeria.

Nr. 25  23-11-02    DOC  PDF

Explanation stop publications; continuation work Back to the Bible.

Nr. 26  27-11-03    

Just a notice, not relevant.

Nr. 27  15-03-05    DOC  PDF

Restart publications workgroup; article "The blood of Jesus".

Nr. 28  03-10-05    DOC  PDF

The Warrenism (teachings of Rick Warren).

Nr. 29  05-05-06    DOC  PDF

The divine Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Nr. 30  24-08-06    DOC  PDF

Answering questions about prophetess Ana Mendez, Kingdom Rule Ministry, Marc Bigler, soaken, the office of apostle and elder and personal testimony Erica.

Nr. 31  25-02-07    DOC  PDF

Psychology and the Bible; Improving the Self-Image ... Freedom or Bondage? Anita Simpson, Cork Ireland.

01-04-07    DOC  PDF

Questions about Joseph Prince and his Grace Church in Singapore.

Nr. 32  01-06-07    DOC  PDF

Psychology and the Bible, part 2; founders Jung and Freud; Philosophy Nietzsche and Socrates; Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus the Son; being born again.

Nr. 33  10-10-07    DOC  PDF

Psychology and the Bible part 3; breakthrough-training; the Holy Spirit; upgrading self-esteem; psychologists as ministers; psychiatry and volunteer aid; opposition psychologists; pastoral advice.

Nr. 34  29-02-08    DOC  PDF

Answering questions of an unbeliever: about healingrooms; the teachings about healing of Henry Wright; wat is Refocussing; song about TV-ministers Rikkert Zuiderveld.

Nr. 35  15-07-08    DOC  PDF

Answering questions and reactions readers; pastoral course "helping by blessing", tithing gifts, anointing with oil, "bear anointing"? and Dutch Sheets, fake revival Lakefield Florida, no demon possession for a Christian.

Nr. 36  15-11-08    DOC  PDF

Study on Grace; Does God punish? Predestination? Once saved, always saved?

  Nr. 37  20-05-09    DOC  PD  Dangers Christians in Africa prosperity teachings;   
  dangers Christans in India persecutions;  story conversion
  from deliverance theologian into biblical theologian.

  Nr. 38 15-09-10   DOC  PDF  Joseph Prince, a new article about his theology, discussed
  in great detail.

  News 1: 19-10-10  DOC  PDF  Revival in Swaziland, report from Kees Lugthart, much to
  thank God for.

  News 2:   Not translated.

  News 3: 1-04-11  DOC  PDF News on contacts in: Myanmar( Birma). India(Andrah
 Pradesh), India (Bible Institute Khirpai), Kenya (Eldoret)
 and South-Africa Swasiland fam.Lughthart.

  News 4: march 2012  DOC  PDF    Conatcts with pastors in India, Myanmar (Birma) and
   Kenya (Eldoret); Report on revival in Swaziland (started
   in 2010)